According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Code of honor of the client

This document outlines the principles of interaction and ethical principles of user behavior on the National Platform for the Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers «EdWay», established by the administrative group.
For fruitful interaction, we are guided by the rules outlined below.

Legality icon Legality

In our user and administrative actions, we are guided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Trust icon Trust

We trust all users of the platform and encourage the free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information.

Mutual respect icon Mutual respect

We are all different and may have different preferences, needs and opinions, and express them in different ways. We respect each other's differences. We respect each other's experiences and opinions. We respect each other's space — if you do not share any views, ask questions and conduct a reasoned dialogue, discussion through the communication channels available on the platform between representatives of different user groups. We welcome proposals and reasonable comments regarding the existing functionality or content (dictionaries, information about subjects of professional development and the opportunities offered by them, etc.) and their possible improvement, addressed to the authors.

Politeness icon Politeness

We always use the words «please», «thank you», «sorry» and other, as we say to children, «magic words». Prohibited: profanity, discrimination on any grounds, xenophobia, materials of a pornographic and sexual nature, personal insults, short comments with a negative emotional color («some delusion», «what bullshit?»), etc. or appeals to the above. In the case of receiving information about detected violations, the admin group of the platform will delete comments that violate this principle without warning, regardless of who the author is, and in case of three violations - we can block the account from which such messages are sent through the platform.

Attentiveness icon Attentiveness

To texts and to people. We read carefully before commenting. We are attentive to the needs and feelings of others. We are careful about WHAT we write and HOW we write. If you are so attentive that you noticed a mistake, it is best to politely draw the attention of the person who made it in a private message. We are open to fruitful interaction through the feedback form and all other communication channels indicated on the platform.

Responsibility icon Responsibility

In using the platform, we take responsibility in accordance with the Terms of Service to fulfill our obligations and work together to oppose and try to prevent shameful acts.

We do not condone fakes, manipulation and copyright infringement.

You can share information only from verified sources (with an indication of authorship) and you should refrain from sharing questionable materials. In case the information turns out to be unreliable, the author should publish a rebuttal or delete the post. In the event of a complaint to the admin group about such a fact, we reserve the right to participate in solving this issue in the best way for everyone.

Care icon Care about cleanliness

In today's world, one of the problems is garbage. Among other things, informational garbage. We care about the information purity of our communication, so we urge everyone to avoid posting here various unreliable information and information that has nothing to do with the platform and the professional development of pedagogical workers.

Please also do not publish personal data of other persons (surname, first name, patronymic, their phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, nicknames on social networks, etc.), website addresses, advertising messages (for a complete list, see the Terms of Service).

Please contact the Support Service for all questions.

Virtue icon Virtue

Integrity is an integral principle of user behavior on the platform: we adhere to legal and ethical standards, even when no one is watching. Since a significant part of the platform's activity concerns content (in the description and information of user accounts of all kinds and in the content of opportunities), we strictly adhere to academic integrity, paying special attention to the preservation of authorship and correct references to originals.

Moderation icon Moderation

If posts appear that do not comply with the rules outlined in this document, we will first politely draw the author's attention to it and ask them to correct it. If there is no reaction, we will delete it. People who violate the rules more than three times will cause us to doubt whether we are ready to cooperate further.

Openness icon Openness

If you want to propose new rules, help us with moderation or something else, we are always open to discussion. The main language of communication is Ukrainian.
Thank you for understanding and following these principles and rules!