According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

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Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21011, Вінницька обл., вул. Москаленка 42
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21050, Вінницька обл., вул. Магістратська 58
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21011, Вінницька обл., вул. Баженова 30 А
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21034, Вінницька обл., вул. Волошкова 11
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21000, Вінницька обл., вул. Стрілецька 85а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21029, Вінницька обл., вул. Стельмаха 37
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21037, Вінницька обл., вул. Академіка Ющенка 14
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21008, Вінницька обл., вул. Пирогова 159
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: 21036, Вінницька обл., вул. Миколи Амосова 48 А
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ДО Вінницької МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: Вінницька обл.
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: -
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Вінницька обл.
Location: Вінницька обл.
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: -
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Чернігівська обл.
Location: 16100, Чернігівська обл., просп. Гагаріна, 16
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Чернігівська обл.
Location: 17044, Чернігівська обл., вул. 8 Березня, 7-А
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Чернігівська обл.
Location: 17400, Чернігівська обл., вул. Чернігівська, 19
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Чернігівська обл.
Location: 17500, Чернігівська обл., вул. Київська, 178
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Чернігівська обл.
Location: 16600, Чернігівська обл., вул. Незалежності, 42
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -