According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

9 18 27
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 71112, Запорізька обл., вул. Урицького, З-Д, корпус 2
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 71100, Запорізька обл., вул. 12 Грудня, 13/2
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69041, Запорізька обл., вул. Кияшка, 16-б
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69041, Запорізька обл., вул. Кияшка, 16-Б
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69035, Запорізька обл., вул. Cорок років Рад.України, 57-А
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Обласна рада
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69017, Запорізька обл., вул. Наукового Містечка, 59
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Обласна рада
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69002, Запорізька обл., вул. Жуковського, 70-Б
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69600, Запорізька обл., вул. Жуковського, 66
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69035, Запорізька обл., вул. Волгоградська, 9
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69035, Запорізька обл., просп. Маяковського, 26
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство охорони здоров`я України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 66123, Запорізька обл., вул. Чотирнадцятого жовтня, 15
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69096, Запорізька обл., бульв. Вінтера, 20
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство охорони здоров`я України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69037, Запорізька обл., вул. Незалежної України, 43
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69069, Запорізька обл., вул. Медична, 8
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69096, Запорізька обл., вул. Медична, 8
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Запорізька обл.
Location: 69096, Запорізька обл., вул. Медична, 8
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -