According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

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Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86031, Донецька обл., вул. Свободи 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86052, Донецька обл., вул. Набережна 2а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86051, Донецька обл., вул. Паркова 14
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86050, Донецька обл., вул. Братів Паукових 54
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86024, Донецька обл., вул. Шкільна 1 А
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86032, Донецька обл., вул. Шкільна 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: -
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86042, Донецька обл., вул. Гагаріна 11а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86020, Донецька обл., мрн. Гідростроітелів 9
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: Донецька обл., ал. Центральна 91
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 86040, Донецька обл., вул. Відродження 69
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Очеретинської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 84186, Донецька обл., вул. Шкільна 42
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Миколаївської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 84160, Донецька обл., вул. Центральна 25(а)
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Черкаської ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 84161, Донецька обл., вул. Миру 31 - а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Черкаської ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 84161, Донецька обл., вул. Садова 17
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Черкаської ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 84173, Донецька обл., пров. Спортивний 1 А
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Слов`янської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 84137, Донецька обл., вул. Нагірна 11
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Святогірської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок