According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

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Region: Кіровоградська обл.
Location: 25028, Кіровоградська обл., вул. Юрія Коваленка, 4А
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Державна служба статистики України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Кіровоградська обл.
Location: 25030, Кіровоградська обл., вул. Бєляєва, 17
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство внутрішніх справ України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Кіровоградська обл.
Location: 25015, Кіровоградська обл., пл. Дружби народів, 8
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Кіровоградська обл.
Location: 25006, Кіровоградська обл., пров. Василівський, 16
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство культури України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Кіровоградська обл.
Location: 25006, Кіровоградська обл., вул. Євгена Чикаленка, 3
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 07700, Київська обл., вул. Поштова, 61
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: -
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 08321, Київська обл., вул. Погребняка, 1
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Національна академія аграрних наук України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Scientific institutes (institutions)
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 08162, Київська обл., вул. Машинобудівників, 2-Б
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Національна академія аграрних наук України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Scientific institutes (institutions)
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 08853, Київська обл., вул. Центральна, корпус 2
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Національна академія аграрних наук України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Scientific institutes (institutions)
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 09500, Київська обл., вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 3
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 09500, Київська обл., вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 3
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Міністерство освіти і науки України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Institution of higher education
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 03027, Київська обл., вул. Садова, 23
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Національна академія аграрних наук України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Scientific institutes (institutions)
Type of educational institution: -
Region: Київська обл.
Location: 07853, Київська обл., вул. Чкалова, 22
Sphere of education: Higher education
Subordination: Національна академія аграрних наук України
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Scientific institutes (institutions)
Type of educational institution: -