According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

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Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85180, Донецька обл., вул. Московська 94
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Іллінівської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85183, Донецька обл., вул. Садова 42-А
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Іллінівської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85172, Донецька обл., вул. Ювілейна 40
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Іллінівської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85171, Донецька обл., вул. Центральна
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Дружківської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85174, Донецька обл., вул. Молодіжна 11
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Іллінівської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85135, Донецька обл., вул. Лесі Українки 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО міської ради м.Костянтинівки
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85135, Донецька обл., вул. Сонячна 10
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО міської ради м.Костянтинівки
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85134, Донецька обл., вул. Чкалова 7а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО міської ради м.Костянтинівки
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Донецька обл.
Location: 85189, Донецька обл., вул. В.Остапчука 2
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Дружківської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок