According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

9 18 27
Region: Хмельницька обл.
Location: 30100, Хмельницька обл., м.Нетішин, пров. Миру 12
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО м. Нетішин
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Хмельницька обл.
Location: 30100, Хмельницька обл., м.Нетішин, пр-т Незалежності 17
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО м. Нетішин
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Хмельницька обл.
Location: 30100, Хмельницька обл., м.Нетішин, вул. Будівельників 3
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО м. Нетішин
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Хмельницька обл.
Location: 30100, Хмельницька обл., м.Нетішин, вул. Набережна 17
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УО м. Нетішин
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Харківська обл.
Location: 61082, Харківська обл., р.Немишлянський (м.Харків), пр-т Московський 212/1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОА Немишлянського району ХМР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 41800, Сумська обл., м.Білопілля, вул. Старопутивльська 32
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО ВК Білопільської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 42200, Сумська обл., м.Лебедин, вул. Руднєва 22
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Лебединської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 42200, Сумська обл., м.Лебедин, вул. Тараса Шевченка 32 "Б"/1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Лебединської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 42200, Сумська обл., м.Лебедин, вул. Карпова 25
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Лебединської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 42200, Сумська обл., м.Лебедин, вул. Сумська 18
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Лебединської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 40004, Сумська обл., вул. Супруна 12
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Сумської міської ради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 40007, Сумська обл., вул. Серпнева 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Сумської міської ради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Сумська обл.
Location: 40011, Сумська обл., м.Суми, пр-т Шевченка 16
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Сумської міської ради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37321, Полтавська обл., вул. Ватутіна 2
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Краснолуцької СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37341, Полтавська обл., с.Харківці, вул. Шкільна 10
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС м.Гадяч
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37352, Полтавська обл., с.Соснівка, вул. Лісова 2
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: Лютенська ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37334, Полтавська обл., вул. Шляхова 64
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Петрівсько-Роменської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37312, Полтавська обл., с.Сватки, вул. Шкільна 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Краснолуцької СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37314, Полтавська обл., вул. Соборна 63
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Краснолуцької СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37330, Полтавська обл., с.Розбишівка, вул. Центральна 18
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Сергіївської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37323, Полтавська обл., вул. Соборна 33
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: Великобудищанська сільська територіальна громада
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Полтавська обл.
Location: 37333, Полтавська обл., вул. Козака Володимира 1/1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Петрівсько-Роменської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок