According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Educational Institutions

9 18 27
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47526, Тернопільська обл., ал. вулиця Зелена 72
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Саранчуківської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47513, Тернопільська обл., вул. Центральна 1 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Нараївська ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47544, Тернопільська обл., вул. Б.Хмельницького 3
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС Бережанської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47525, Тернопільська обл., вул. Центральна 110
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Саранчуківської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47530, Тернопільська обл., вул. Центральна 117
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Саранчуківської СР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47517, Тернопільська обл., ал. Сонячна 8
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Нараївська ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47516, Тернопільська обл., вул. Центральна 22
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС Бережанської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47524, Тернопільська обл., вул. січових стрільців 60
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС Бережанської МР
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47514, Тернопільська обл., вул. Мазепи 40
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВО Нараївська ОТГ
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47512, Тернопільська обл., вул. Шевченка 72
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС Бережанської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: НВК
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47501, Тернопільська обл., вул. Раївська 71А
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС Бережанської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 47501, Тернопільська обл., вул. С. Бандери 23
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: ВОМС Бережанської МР
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46018, Тернопільська обл., вул. Юності 9
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46000, Тернопільська обл., вул. Київська 3в
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46001, Тернопільська обл., вул. Качали 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Private
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46008, Тернопільська обл., вул. Липова 39
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46008, Тернопільська обл., ринок вул.Стадникова 22
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: National
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Дитячий садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46027, Тернопільська обл., вул. Макаренка 1
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46022, Тернопільська обл., вул. Клима Савури 13
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46027, Тернопільська обл., вул. Громницького 5
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46020, Тернопільська обл., вул. М.Вербицького 8 а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок
Region: Тернопільська обл.
Location: 46024, Тернопільська обл., пр-т Злуки 15а
Sphere of education: Preschool education
Subordination: УОН Тернопільської міськради
Form of ownership: Communal
Kind of educational institution: Preschool educational institution
Type of educational institution: Ясла-садок