According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

About the platform

EdWay is your educational companion, a compass on the educational paths of growth in the profession:
Digital icon digital, Informational icon informational and Methodical icon methodical support in the process of improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers.
And it is also a house under the roof of which will be able to gather all those who strive for the development of Ukrainian education: those who provide educational services in the field of professional development, and those who need these services.

The national platform of opportunities for professional development of pedagogical workers «EdWay» (Platform) is an information resource designed for interaction between: Here, everyone can find and offer any opportunities for professional development!

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subjects of providing educational services for professional development
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pedagogical workers

(positions determined by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 14, 2000 No. 963)

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as well as for centers of professional development of pedagogical workers, educational institutions, educational management bodies of various levels, scientific and pedagogical workers, parents, territorial administrations and the expert circle of the State Education Quality Service, representatives of the Educational Ombudsman Service
Here, everyone can find and offer any opportunities for professional development!
Teachers image

How the idea came about

The idea of creating a platform was born back in 2016, when the Concept of implementation of state policy in the field of general secondary education reform «New Ukrainian School» for the period until 2029 was being developed.
It is about the freedom of choice of teachers: teachers can upgrade their qualifications with state funds in all subjects of advanced training. We would like to remind you that according to Clause 2 of Article 59 of the Law of Ukraine «On Education» these are not only state, but also other subjects of educational activity, as well as physical and legal entities.

There are only two requirements for teaching staff:

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for five years, professional development should be at least 150 hours
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training should take place annually
And in order to make it convenient for educators to exercise their freedom of choice, and considering that state institutions of executive power in the field of education do not have the right to create certain recommended lists or give special advantages to any of the subjects of professional development, the idea of creating such a common for all, transparent and open space was quite logical.

How the platform aligns with state education policy

That is why it is national — a meeting place for all interested persons on the scale of Ukraine.
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Mission of the Platform

In addition to digital support, there is the development of a partner environment and competitive conditions for the development of the market for advanced training opportunities based on the following principles: equality, mutual respect, transparency, accountability, compliance with the state educational policy.
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Registration and all platform functionality are free for all user groups.
Subjects of advanced training can post information on the platform about their free and paid advanced training and internship programs.
Before registering on the Platform, you must familiarize yourself with the following sections: Privacy policy, Terms Of Service, and Code of Honor
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