According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Subjects of advanced training

9 18 27
Year of foundation: 2022
Variety: Individual entrepreneur
Organizational and legal form: Орган самоорганізації населення
Number of opportunities: 1
Submitted applications: 190
Documents issued: 11
Year of foundation: 2020
Variety: Educational institution
Organizational and legal form: Організація (установа, заклад) об’єднання громадян (релігійної організації, профспілки, споживчої кооперації тощо)
Number of opportunities: 0
Submitted applications: 0
Documents issued: 0
Year of foundation: 2021
Variety: Another legal entity
Organizational and legal form: Комунальна організація (установа, заклад)
Number of opportunities: 10
Submitted applications: 258
Documents issued: 91
Year of foundation: 2021
Variety: Individual
Organizational and legal form: Підприємець – фізична особа
Number of opportunities: 0
Submitted applications: 0
Documents issued: 0