According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 800 Taking into account the professional standards of teaching

Typical programs and professional standards

A professional standard is the requirements for the competences of employees approved in the prescribed manner, which serve as the basis for the formation of professional qualifications (paragraph 1 of Article 39 of the Law of Ukraine «On Education»).
Subjects of advanced training should be familiar with professional standards and take them as a basis for updating and developing advanced training programs, planning non-formal education.

Methodical recommendations on the application of the professional standard by profession

  • «Teacher of primary classes of general secondary education institution»
  • «Teacher of general secondary education institution»
  • «Elementary education teacher (with junior specialist diploma)»
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  • «Head (director) of a general secondary education institution»
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Professional standards

  • «Preschool teacher»

    (order of the Ministry of Economy dated 19.10.2021 No. 755-21)

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  • «Head (director) of a preschool education institution»

    (order of the Ministry of Economy dated 28.09.2021 № 620-21)

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  • «Head (director) of a preschool education institution»

    (order of the Ministry of Economy dated 17.09.2021 № 568-21)

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  • «Teacher of primary classes of general secondary education institution»
  • «Teacher of general secondary education institution»
  • «Primary education teacher (with junior specialist diploma)»
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Typical professional development programs

In accordance with the Procedure for improving the qualifications of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers (general part of Clause 10), subjects of professional development can develop professional development programs based on standard professional development programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • A typical training program for teaching staff of inclusive resource centers in accordance with the requirements of the «New Ukrainian School» Concept

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 13.01.2020 № 32)

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  • A typical training program for foreign language teachers of general secondary education institutions in accordance with the «New Ukrainian School» Concept «Foreign language learning in a new context»

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 28.04.2020 № 567)

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  • A typical training program for teaching staff «New Ukrainian school: responding to the challenge»

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 28.04.2020 № 567)

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  • A typical training program for teaching staff «Informatics in the New Ukrainian School: Reboot»

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 28.04.2020 № 567)

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  • A typical training program for managers of pre-school education institutions to prevent manifestations of violence

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated від 30.09.2020 № 1214)

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  • A typical program for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers of preschool education institutions regarding the prevention of manifestations of violence

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated від 30.09.2020 № 1214)

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  • A typical program of professional development of pedagogical workers regarding the implementation of the updated Basic Component of Preschool Education (State Standard of Preschool Education)

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated від 31.03.2021 № 397)

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  • A typical training program for managers and teaching staff of Centers for professional development of teaching staff

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated від 23.04.2021 № 457)

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  • A typical training program for managers of pre-school education institutions on providing support in the educational process to children with special educational needs

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 23.04.2021 № 457)

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  • A typical training program for educators of preschool education institutions regarding the provision of support in the educational process to children with special educational needs

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 23.04.2021 № 457)

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  • A typical training program for trainers to improve the qualifications of teaching staff of educational institutions with inclusive education and specialists of inclusive resource centers

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 11.06.2021 № 656)

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  • A typical training program for teacher assistants of preschool education institutions regarding the provision of support in the educational process to children with special educational needs

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 23.04.2021 № 457)

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  • A typical training program for teacher assistants «Professional activity of teacher assistants in the conditions of implementation of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education»

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 13.09.2021 № 981)

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  • A typical program of professional development of pedagogical workers on the development of digital competence

    (order of the Ministry of Education dated 10.12.2021 № 1340)

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